iDerive Platform

Advanced Analytics
Unlock your Data &
Derive Growth


You’re more than a One Channel Wonder

Unlock your profit potential on Amazon and Beyond.

iDerive Platform

Full suite of tools to maximize your digital commerce opportunities.


Amazon Seller / Vendor

Analytic Dashboards to unlock your data and drive growth. 
Built by brand operators and Ex-Amazonians, iDerive helps you quickly analyze your data and save your team hours of combining excel reports.

amazon advertising

Amazon Advertising

Curious if you’re cannibalizing organic sales chasing a good ROAS?
Our Analytic Dashboards allow you analyize your media spend. Easily see Organic V Paid sales, New to Brand customers, so you and your agency have ALL the metrics needed to maximize your ad dollars.


Marketplaces, DTC & Beyond

Amazon is a huge channel. But you have signicant data and sales from your own website, Walmart, other Marketplaces, brick and mortars and beyond that unlock more insights to drive growth.

iDerive Platform Tools

A range tools to maximize your digital commerce opportunities 
across finance, operations, and more.

Schedule a Chat with iDerive

Chat with us for 15 minutes to discover how iDerive uses data-driven strategies to boost your brand’s long-term growth. What are you waiting for?


Important Update:

Amazon Sponsored Product Ads data is missing since 11/1 due to a bug introduced by Amazon in its API. Amazon is working on resolving this and we are monitoring the status.